Lubię dziwne ubrania i dodatki. Co prawda wiele z moich nietypowych zachcianek jest szybko tłumione przez mojego ukochanego, jednak istnieją takie które udaje mi się przeforsować lub kupić dzięki jego nieuwadze. Tak właśnie było z "szelkami" (ktoś wie jak to nazwać?!), które widzicie na dzisiejszych zdjęciach. Domyślam się, że pewnie część z Was uzna je za głupotę, ale mam nadzieję że znajdą się i tacy, którzy będą nimi zachwyceni tak jak ja.
ENG: I'm a bit weirdo when it comes to clothes and accessories. I probably would have a closet full of strange things, if my man would let me buy them. Many times he said that I must be crazy to like some particular shoes/dress/necklace etc. But sometimes I can talk him into buying one of those "strange things", or to be totally honest, buy a thing or two behind his back. And that's how I became a happy owner of these super cool suspenders. I love them!

ENG: I'm a bit weirdo when it comes to clothes and accessories. I probably would have a closet full of strange things, if my man would let me buy them. Many times he said that I must be crazy to like some particular shoes/dress/necklace etc. But sometimes I can talk him into buying one of those "strange things", or to be totally honest, buy a thing or two behind his back. And that's how I became a happy owner of these super cool suspenders. I love them!
fot. gootex
t-shirt - sh
płaszcz/coat - SheInside
jeans - Tally Weijl
buty/boots - Lovelyshoes
torebka/bag - H&M